Devastating the Obvious

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Ok, so it's been a long while since I posted anything. A loooong while. It's not like I've had a lack of things to talk about - from the interesting turn of events at this month's Inheritace game, to the fun times at E's bachelorette, the beginnings of the Pirates and Serenity games, or how Layne defended his thesis and is now a Master of Science!! (I am a firm believer that "Science!!" should always be capitolized, followed by no less than two exclaimation marks, and possibly have a reverb/echo effect thrown in for good measure.) I even neglected to scan in and post a half dozen pictures that I've drawn up in the meantime and figured would amuse folks.

No, I have been busy. And not the regular, lame type of busy. This was a special, make-me-giddy-just-thinking-about-it busy.

I have a webcomic.

It's nothing special right now - the page is just something functional that I threw together (and Layne spent hours fixing up because he is awesome), and most of the links still say "coming soon", but it is there none the less, my own personal little chunk of virtual real estate and a tiny blip in the vast expanse of webcomic-dom. But its there. And its mine.

I bring you all....! Updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday. May my filler comics be few and far between, and may I never miss an update...


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