Jeez.. Wedndesday already. I forget how the week flies by when you work 9 - 5. Or, conversely, how slowly it can crawl by... Luckily that hasn't been an issue yet. This week has kept me pretty busy, with new FX orders piling up on my desk by the day. When I started, there was already nearly a full episode's backlog, and more and more just keeps being added. The admin seem to think that since I'm working a month longer than the animators, there'll be plenty of time to catch up. I'm skeptical. There seems to be an attitude that the post-production department is a quick and easy way to relieve some stress on the animators. I swear, if I hear them say, "Don't worry, we can fix it in post!", I will sit all the animators down and make them watch how it takes me two hours to fix something that ten minutes work on their end would have solved...
Not that I'm complaining. It's still a kick-ass job.
But, enough about work! This blog needs more LARP-talk like America needs more cowbell. WL hosted a Shakespearean LARP over the weekend, and I enjoyed myself immensely. It was mostly free-form, with a very simple challenge resolution system that actually made me look forward to getting into conflicts. When challenged, you had a choice of several improv-style word games to pick from, and the first to stumble over their words or give up lost. Simple, straightforward, and I think it really added to the feel of the game, because, let's face it, all of us drama freaks had the majority of our exposure to Shakespeare in high school drama classes. Plus, the look on Beaker's face when I revealed myself as Titania made then entire game for me. So, woot.
This weekend is Inheritance. We'll have visitors from Edmonton again, as well as another rush of new players, so things should be rocking heartily. Hopefully the rest of this week continues to go quickly, because waiting to find out what has happened with the Deistical is keeping me in suspense quite nicely.
Not that I'm complaining. It's still a kick-ass job.
But, enough about work! This blog needs more LARP-talk like America needs more cowbell. WL hosted a Shakespearean LARP over the weekend, and I enjoyed myself immensely. It was mostly free-form, with a very simple challenge resolution system that actually made me look forward to getting into conflicts. When challenged, you had a choice of several improv-style word games to pick from, and the first to stumble over their words or give up lost. Simple, straightforward, and I think it really added to the feel of the game, because, let's face it, all of us drama freaks had the majority of our exposure to Shakespeare in high school drama classes. Plus, the look on Beaker's face when I revealed myself as Titania made then entire game for me. So, woot.
This weekend is Inheritance. We'll have visitors from Edmonton again, as well as another rush of new players, so things should be rocking heartily. Hopefully the rest of this week continues to go quickly, because waiting to find out what has happened with the Deistical is keeping me in suspense quite nicely.